Archives for August 2006

Barking Mad

You might remember an early post about dog park mayhem. Chicago has proposed new dog park regulations that has local residents barking mad.

I’m not sure just how accurate this assessment is but whale strandings have long confused experts.

West Nile Virus is a threat to animals. Advantix is one option to help keep dogs protected from mosquito bites. Read this pet related article on West Nile Virus from Idaho.

You may have heard about the great bunny rescue. Best Friends animal sanctuary has been an innovator for quite some time and this article talks about the rescue and shares some information on animal hoarders.

Back on the animal disaster preparedness front I thought you’d like to know about this new bill (AB450) in California and you can send your support of this animal disaster preparedness bill online.

Hmm, canned hunting in China. If the dog issue wasn’t enough the hunting of endangered or rare species should create some more negative buzz.

Okay, if you thought you have seen everything take a gander at the video cast for this matchmaking services…dating online has really gone to the dogs! Talk about animal attraction…

Sadly, this recent study from the UK shows that people spend more time choosing a holiday than on researching and selecting a pet.

Yikes, I can’t even believe this article came out. Primates do not make good pets.

In the target=”_blank”UK ABSO’s (Anti-social behavior orders) have been increasing hitting the news. The only problem is enforcement.

Who in their right mind would own a tiger and keep it in their apartment? This tiger owner is making the news again.

I think any excuse to abandon or relinquish an animal is lame but here is an article on the topic.

Here is a local article on pet tumors that you might find interesting.
Beijing pet lovers spend oodles on their pets.

One in three canine lovers in Korea eats dog meat.

Anti-rabies killing spree still ongoing in China.

In other news, read about the USDA restrictions regarding the cats at the Hemingway Museum.

Another dog attack makes the news in Boston.

Cesar Milan and more…

Okay, more news for you. I found another poor review on Milan’s book. The biggest complaint I hear is that people are looking for dog training advice and are buying a biography instead. I blogged this before and you can take a gander here. Check under ethnic differences about animals.

Anyway this person was unhappy about the Dog Whisper’s book, Cesar’s Way. In the meantime, the professionals are not too happy about the old style techniques. This is creating so much heat that National Geographic News had Cesar Milan address some of the heat with an interview. Funny, they used my line from my June blog about the only thing that two animal trainers agree on is what the third is doing wrong. Look for the photo of his book to find my comments.

I am a bit tired of having potential clients call me saying that they are trying Cesar Milan’s techniques…for a number of reasons…mostly because they are foolishly relying on the media to convey professional techniques when they are viewing an edited version. The calls usually concern serious situations and they are endangering their families and themselves.

People keep trying to shortcut pet problems. Sorry to say, there is no such thing unless you get professional help. The sooner you get help the better. Then it is a lifestyle change. Exercise, attention, training, boundaries and limits, consistency are the fundamental needs in addition to understanding, respect, and realistic views of critters.

In other news, the wolf dog issue is still attracting attention. The daughter of the woman killed by her wolf dogs after 10 years. If you read through the wolf dog hybrid article on you will understand the issue better. I had one animal that challenged me and his other professional trainers at 7 years of age. Russian Roulette if you ask me.

Regarding the child endangerment trial…hung jury means that the woman who left her child home alone in the basement and whose dogs killed him was not held accountable for irresponsible pet ownership or child endangerment. What do you think?

Not only are people overfeeding their pets (one in four pets is overweight) the public is also overfeeding wildlife. In early blogs I discuss why this is a bad idea…not only for health reasons but for also because of dangerous habituation.

Dog killing in China is something still sweeping the media.

Pet disaster issues continue to be of concern…