Check this latest article update on the mad cow concern here in the United States. Eating contaminated beef is thought to cause the human form of mad cow disease, known as variant Creutzfeldt aka Jakob disease (vCJD). More than 140 cases of vCJD have been reported in the UK and two in the United States.
Archives for March 2006
Wolf Attacks
As we move into wilderness areas and narrow down the territorial ranges for native wildlife, more encounters with wild animals occur. One of the more unfortunate outcomes from this change is that people choose to feed or engage wild animals. This habituates animals to humans and is dangerous in many ways. The obvious is that the animals associate man as a food source (as in providing…and…)
I first read about this suspected wolf attack back in November. Here is the most current commentary. Check out the following articles to follow the story. The source of the attack has not yet been determined:
Wolf Attact Article November 11, 2005
Alleged Wolf Attack Commentary from January 2006