E: Environment, Enrichment,
Education, & Endangered Species
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Welcome to E! This section is dedicated to the environment, enrichment, and education about animals and related topics. This page contains a history of enrichment.
History of Enrichment
by Arnold Chamove
In Victorian times there was a dramatic increase in
the number of zoos. At that time people were only interested in
seeing the new animals that were discovered from different parts
of the world. As human disease was conquered and population growth
became exponential, more zoos were developed all over the world
and the criteria for good management of these animals then changed
to one of breeding success. With the development of psychology and
biology, people started studying these animals. At the same time,
researchers were also looking at animals living in the wild. But
until the 1960s, traveling from countries with developed research
facilities to countries with large numbers of exotic wild animals
was very expensive and so, not much fieldwork was done.
In the 1960's when much of the research on monkeys and on other
animals that were housed in labs was conducted, it was soon discovered
that there were a variety of experiences which were required for
the normal development of a monkey. There weren't one or two things
which if applied would produce a normal animal. There were different
early experiences, or early conditions, which were necessary for
the development of different types of normal behaviour. For example,
for an animal to develop the correct patterns for clinging to other
animals, they needed to be raised with at least one other animal,
otherwise the innate cling response would be directed at one's self
or at an inanimate object such as a diaper/nappy or soft toy.
To develop the correct direction for aggressive behaviour that is
not directed to its own body, a young monkey must be put with at
least one other animal (a monkey or even a dog) during daylight
hours. But for an animal to develop normal patterns of social interaction,
they need to be put with at least two other animals. One animal
was not sufficient. The youngster needs to be raised with an adult
animal or another youngster, which it can cling to as if it was
its mother. For an animal to break the attachment that it has to
its mother figure, (adult monkey, cage-mate or dog) there needs
to be some break in the consistency of its interaction with that
particular animal. If it is living always with the same animals,
the two youngsters will cling together and they will never break
that clinging pattern, the clinging pattern that a mother would
break normally as their offspring gets older.
It was also found that if you wanted an animal which showed normal
levels of aggression, it needed to be raised with a normal mother.
If it was raised with other youngsters, it would be less aggressive
than normal. If the youngster was raised with a mother that was
not normal, who herself had perhaps been raised abnormally, the
youngster would become more aggressive as a direct consequence of
the aggression that it received from its mother.
So all of these different behaviour patterns which were observed
in the youngsters, such as attachment, aggression, and sexual behaviour,
could be influenced by different variables. Clinging is influenced
by the number and pattern of animals that you were reared with.
Aggression is influenced by the amount of aggression that you experience
and both are affected by how confident you are. Sexual behaviour
is influenced by a number of different experiences. You have to
know that you are a monkey by being raised with other monkeys. You
have to be able to get on with monkeys by being raised with more
than two other monkeys and you have to have observed normal sexual
patterns by being in a social group, etc.
Out of all of this research on the important aspects of early experience
some interesting conclusions were drawn. From work with dogs, for
example, it was discovered that there are important periods for
the socialization of dogs. If you want a dog to be a normal dog,
that is not to view human beings as part of its pack, you need to
keep human beings away from it while it is young but give it experience
with other dogs. If you want a dog to view human beings as part
of its pack, then dogs need to have experience with humans before
a particular age. If you want dogs to view cattle as part of its
pack, and therefore be able to live with those cattle and protect
the cattle from predators - wolves, coyotes, and even humans - then
you need to raise those dogs with the cattle at critical ages.
A lot was learned about what was necessary to produce certain types
of behaviour patterns, some of which were believed to be normal,
and some of which people didn't know if it was normal or not. For
example, in the fifties when the dog work was done and in the sixties
when the monkey work was done, people didn't go into the wild and
observe wild dogs, wild monkeys, wild cattle, wild chickens. But
as the number of students increased, as the number of universities
increased, and as travel became less expensive, people started to
do these things and soon it was discovered what it is that normal
wild dogs do. Of course, many people would say they don't want a
normal wild-type dog. They don't want a dog which goes out and kills
animals, which forms packs and hunts down animals eating them before
they are even dead. The benchmark for normality (not desirability)
was behaviour in the wild.
So the shift in zoos has changed from (a) exhibiting animals to
(b) having animals which were able to breed in captivity, and now
more recently to (c) animals which can show people what these animals
are like in the wild. The modern zoo is meant to be a snapshot of
the wild and to do this, people have had to discover what's important
for these animals so that the animal will show normal behaviour.
Comparisons have been made between animals in the wild with animals
in the zoo. The new criteria for normal behaviour, has changed from
breeding to that of wild behaviour. This is one criteria and probably
the most widely accepted.
People who actually work in a zoo environment or work with animals
would probably modify that requirement for normality. They would
say the behaviour of the animals should not be obviously abnormal.
Also it should fit in with whatever circumstances the animal should
encounter. For example, they want a polar bear which doesn't show
those abnormal pacing patterns common in polar bears, and yet doesn't
attack humans. They want animals that fit in to the zoo environment,
that are not a danger to their keeper, that while they don't eat
the wide variety of foods which wild animals normally eat but still
are healthy and apparently happy on the restricted diets which are
available to zoo animals.
A similar thing would apply to people raising cattle, or sheep,
or pigs, or chickens, or goldfish, or parrots. They want these animals
to show no abnormal behaviour, such as the excessive aggression
seen in chickens, the stereotyped behaviour that you see in pigs,
such as chewing on metal bars, the chewing off of other pigs' tails.
They also want them to show fast growth rates on the types of food
that they are given and not normally aggressive. For example in
cattle, if you are working in a pen with 50 cows, you don't want
the cow to attack you. If a one-day-old calf is caught in a bog,
you want to be able to go out and lift that calf out of the bog
without the mother defending its calf from you as it would under
wild conditions.
So when farming, you will want to change certain aspects of the
behaviour of animals. You want to modify their responses to presumed
predators by either not viewing you as a predator, or in countries
where there are few predators and no wild predators such as New
Zealand. You want them to show no anti-predator behaviour.
That's the background to enrichment. When the American Government
followed the lead of several other Western governments and required
that the psychological needs of animals in captivity be catered
to, there began to be financial encouragement, and also a psychological
encouragement for people to start looking at ways of improving captive
environments. Another impetus for this increase in interest was
to show zoo visitors the wide variety of normal behaviour that wild
animals might show. Hal Markowitz in San Francisco began work to
show zoo visitors active, interesting animals not normally seen
in zoos. He designed and constructed a number of complex pieces
of equipment which would get animals to do normal and interesting
things. For example, he had a device where a cricket sound would
be given and a bear would get up and it would go over to a log and
it would roll the log to one side, something else would happen and
the bear would climb up a tree and this would activate something
else and the bear would go over and get a piece of food. Instead
of a bear lying in the corner sleeping, waiting for its food, the
zoo visitors saw an active and interesting bear and this technique
has been developed by Markowitz, his students, and others who have
been influenced by him into a wide range of naturally appearing
behaviour Cats which stalk and leap for quickly moving pieces
of meat is another dramatic example.
One of the drawbacks with Markowitz's work is that devices are expensive
and have to be tailored quite specifically to the particular animal.
By drawback I mean a drawback to their widespread use. Nevertheless,
they have been adopted widely and have also influenced the design
of zoos. One of the most ubiquitous of this type of equipment is
an artificial termite mound, a termite mound which is used to demonstrate
termite fishing in chimpanzees. In the wild the chimpanzee takes
a stick or a long piece of grass or bamboo or afromomum and breaking
off the side branches, she strips it so it's a single rod and then
inserts it into a termite mound, waiting for the worker termites
to attack the branch. She then removes it eating the attached termites.
What's been done in these artificial termite mounds is that some
sticky, often sweet substance has been placed at the bottom of the
holes. The animal inserts its rod into the holes, removes it and
licks off the sticky food. There have been two assessments of these
termite mounds, one of these in Edinburgh Zoo which was done soon
after the mound was put in, and it was discovered that it was hardly
ever used by the chimpanzees. So much so that the keepers stopped
baiting it and it was not used at all. Another assessment done in
London Zoo was more positive and showed that orangutans did in
fact use it, if at a low rate. Zoos are persisting with artificial
termite mounds, including those where the visitor can see what is
happening inside the mound.
The reason for this journey into history is to give an idea of the
type of information that is available if people are interested in
enrichment. It also gives some idea of the information which is
not available. It's only recently that people have been looking
at the behaviour of wild animals. There are only a few studies,
a very few studies, on the behaviour of wild horses. One of these
is on the behaviour of Prezwalski horses and one of these is on
the behaviour of the wild horses of the Camargue which are heavily
managed. The now-wild Prezwalski horses are heavily influenced by
animals that were brought into captivity and then later reintroduced
into the wild area where Prezwalski horses were originally found.
I know of no studies of wild zebras, although there may be some,
and there are a few studies of wild horses where they exist. A population
of such is in New Zealand, and on one or two islands where the animals
have been left to go wild.
Some monkeys have been studied extensively in the wild, particularly
animals which have been able to be habituated. Perhaps the most
famous series of studies is the chimpanzee by Jane Goodall, colleagues,
and students. The macaque and baboon have been studied extensively
because it's possible to habituate the animals and approach them
in conditions of good visibility. The difficult to observe pygmy
chimpanzee has only recently begun to be studied. Other animals
that are used in labs extensively for behavioral work are the marmosets
and tamarins, and because these animals are also difficult to observe
in the wild, very little work has been done on them in their natural
state. Marmoset and tamarin monkeys are very small, smaller than
a cat. These monkeys are difficult to see in their dense jungle
environment which they inhabit. They prefer moving through the densest
of vegetation, and the cotton-top tamarin is found only in Columbia,
and because of the growing of the coca shrub, in Columbia, it is
not considered safe to go into areas of undisturbed jungle. Because
of the cocaine, most of the jungle, over 99% of it has been cut
down and there are only these small isolated pockets, usually on
private farms, which have been left. So for a number of reasons,
many animals for which wild information would be highly desirable
have not been studied.
Seeing abnormal behaviour patterns in captive animals has encouraged
a number of people to try to alter their conditions in such a way
as to eliminate these abnormal behaviour patterns. There's been
a vigorous debate for years about whether abnormal behaviour patterns
in animals indicate some compromise of their welfare, suggests that
they are suffering, indicates they are unhappy. Or perhaps these
abnormal behaviour patterns are an adaptation to the change in the
environment. Mink repeatedly doing back-flips hour after hour in
their cages, polar bears pacing back and forth, wearing down tracks
in the concrete of their enclosure are examples. For clarity this
idea could be extended to human beings. If you put a human being
in a small cage, sized as the regulations for monkeys, that is,
big enough so that this human being could stand fully erect and
also lie down. Those are the minimum size regulations for most monkeys.
So if you put a human being in an enclosure which was 2m tall and
a floor area of 2m long and 1m wide, that individual would show
abnormal behaviour patterns. The individual might show pacing. Now,
one argument is that the pacing is simply an adaptation to that
environment. The polar bear pacing is simply the way that a polar
bear walks when it's in a small enclosure. When it's in the wild
it shows "pacing" over a long distance, over kilometers. A mink
shows jumping patterns in the wild. It can't show jumping patterns
in its cage so it jumps up and does back-flips. One argument is
that this behaviour is not abnormal, does not show any distress.
It's simply the way mink have of exercising. Other people say it
shows some type of distress, welfare compromise. A human being chewing
gum is their adaptation to chewing food when no food is available
or they don't want to eat food. Is it abnormal behaviour? Does it
indicate distress? To answer that question, people have looked to
objective or independent measures of distress.
If you measure an animal in a cage before it shows these stereotype
repetitive behaviour, you will see an increase in its heart rate,
or you may get an increase in sweating, or some other indicator
that the animal is under some sort of stress, that the animal is
upset in some way. But, when you measure it after it shows these
repetitive behaviour, it appears as if it has calmed down. My guess
is the same thing would happen in humans in a small jail chewing
gum. Many of these repetitive, one-per-second behaviour, like the
rocking behaviour of animals or of humans seen in either mental
hospitals or in hospitals for mental handicap, seem to be related
to one-per-second bursts of brain activity which indicate a calmness.
I remember my sister when we were kids lying in bed at night and
repetitively hitting her head against the pillow at a one-per-second
rhythm, and also in toning a little rhyme that she would sing to
a one-per-second beat. This is very common in kids! Is it abnormal?
Is it something which one wants to eliminate? Thumb sucking in children
is another example. The debate goes on but those who feel it is
undesirable seem to be winning the debate.
In the 1980s people were observing a number of abnormal behaviour
in zoo animals, behaviour which would distress people who came
to see them. They would see animals such as orangutans who were
immobile the whole day, or they would see animals that were pacing
back and forth, in a repetitive action such as polar bears, lions,
and tigers. For a number of reasons, this was considered undesirable.
So people began to get the idea of enriching their environment to
change their behaviour from abnormal to normal. Zoo personnel already
had some idea of the basic nutritional requirements and the basic
social requirements in order to produce animals which would reproduce,
and which could exist in a social group. Now, the goal was to produce
animals in an exhibit which would interest people and which would
educate people, and which would show the animals in a situation
which the zoo could be proud of, could defend. And for a number
of people who would keep exotic animals as pets, and the same thing
would apply. They would want to keep these animals in a way of which
they could be proud, and also they wanted to keep these animals
in a way so that the animals appeared happy, appeared well-adjusted,
and would show some of the behaviour, perhaps even many of the
behaviour that they would show in the wild. And this attitude has
spread to people who keep dogs and cats and more recently even budgies/parakeets,
parrots, goldfish, hamsters, rats, mice, gerbils and reptiles.
What is the situation which will make these animals happy? One way
of asking an animal what it takes to make it happy is to give it
a wide choice of situations and see which it picks, and that is
certainly one way of asking an animal what makes it happy: What
does it want, what does it prefer? If you give me the choice of
Mars bars versus a well-balanced meal, I'd choose Mars bars any
time. I love Mars bars. If you raise a chicken in a tiny cage, it
will choose an environment similar to that cage when allowed to
choose. That situation is what it has come to accept, what it feels
comfortable in.
But why do we choose things which may not be good for us? If you
see a pack of wild dogs killing an animal in the wild you will notice
that the first thing that they eat is the liver. The reason for
that is that liver is very high in fat and in wild animals there
are very low levels of fat, so fat is a very desirable commodity.
In much the same way fat is a desirable commodity for humans. Dogs
are not as attracted to sugars as humans are but for humans living
under primitive conditions, both fats and sugars are rare and are
highly desirable commodities and access to honey and the location
of bees' nests is a protected resource. The same thing with fats.
Those bits of animals which have high levels of fats such as brains,
heart and liver are the most prized part of a wild carcass. And
the same thing is true for dogs and other predators. Now, in humans,
people have exploited that fact and if you mix together fats and
sugar with a bit of flavoring, you have chocolate! and there is
a wide variety of flavored variants on the theme of fat plus sugar.
Humans and animals are biologically disposed to desiring such things
and when they have high amounts of these things, it can lead to
problems. And the same with dogs with dogs. They like meat with
high levels of fats. Many people in the winter, particularly if
they are feeding dry dog food offer their dog pure fat. Dry dog
food has low levels of fats and the reason is that if you add fat
to dry dog food the fat can go rancid unless there are chemicals
added to that fat, and some people prefer not to do that. Many manufacturers
prefer not to do that and so it is recommended that if you feed
solely dry dog food that you add a certain amount of fat, particularly
in the winter. That fat can be animal fats, it can be oils, butter,
egg yolk, any source of fat, and you will find particularly in the
winter that dogs will regulate the amount of fat that they want,
and if you give them a huge piece of beef fat, I mean a huge piece
of beef fat, they will eat a large amount the ! first day, less
the second day, and then they will stop eating it. So particularly
in the winter when dogs spend a lot of time outside or active, when
they need a lot of fat to burn the calories to protect themselves
against the cold, they like fat.
But in captivity where obesity might be a problem, you might want
to reduce the amounts of fat. But one of the most attractive foods
to a dog are foods which have high levels of fat. People are beginning
to exploit that by providing doggie chocolates. A much less expensive,
healthier and much more desirable thing is to cut up chunks of liver
into small squares and put it in the oven under low heat for several
hours, or in a microwave under low heat for several hours to get
rid of the moisture, and what you end up with is very, very hard,
very tasty liver chunks which will keep for a long period of time
and dogs really like these. They have all the taste of liver with
less fat and very little water.
In conclusion, what principles can we derive from the research and
speculations of those interested in enrichment which can guide our
thinking if we wish to 'enrich'?
We can ask an animal what it prefers, providing it has had wide
enough experience to make an informed choice. We can observe the
behaviour of wild counterparts to see
(a) the range of behaviour types,
(b) the amount of each type of behaviour that is seen, and
(c) what behaviour take up much of the day.
Making behaviour more 'normal' (wild-like) is an agreed good of
enrichment. In animals where food gathering occupies over half the
day, food-related activities are a good basis for enrichment. Many
enrichment ideas seem to extend 'psychological space' - that is
to encourage the animal to act as though it is in a larger enclosure
than it really is. See what humans and then animals like and then
observe your target animal in a similar situation.
About the Author: Dr Arnold S. Chamove has practical experience
with laboratory animals as Director of Research. He has taught various
courses related to Animal Behaviour, Clinical Techniques, and Research
Methods. In addition Dr. Chamove has done collaborative research
with H.F.Harlow on primate learning and social development, taught
at Stirling University in Scotland and is currently at Massey University
in New Zealand. He is the recipient of the Anderson Prize from the
Laboratory Animal Science Association for his work on enrichment.
Contact Dr. Arnold S. Chamove at: A.S.Chamove@massey.ac.nz