Alternative Animal Training & Therapy
Alternative Animal Training & Therapysm (AATT) combines trust, respect, and understanding with intuitive animal sense. AATT uses humane, positive and progressive techniques to assist all animals. Reiki, humane training techniques, flower remedies, or other alternative techniques are techniques used by your animal behaviorist and pet therapist.
Appointments for Reiki and energy work can be done over distance via remote healing techniques. Office visits are also available for additional charges and take place in the mountains of San Bernardino, California. If you are unfamiliar with energy work and alternative therapies, please read the related sections prior to booking any services. Your animal therapist will ask you to complete a questionnaire prior to your appointment. Please fill out all the areas completely.
Intuitive Animal Work
Intuition is something that we all possess. Stories like Sheena, Queen of the Jungle, The Jungle Book, Dr. Dolittle and others all speak to us about understanding and communicating with animals at a different level. Most of us have lost the connection to our animal brethren but it remains there hidden below the surface.
If you have ever thought about someone and then ran into them, had them call or had them show up at your doorstep--you have experienced a sampling of intuitive knowledge. Mothers often sense when their child is in danger or intuitively know when something is playing out. This is what we call intuition.
A professional intuitive has more skill than the average person in using this tool and can work in a variety of ways. Some have a gift of sight and see visions or energy; others will feel or sense energy; some will hear a dialog in their head; many just have an innate ability to sense what is going on.
As an intuitive, your consultant picks up on a variety of information. She can communicate clearly with both humans and animals and will work up a program that addresses many underlying issues. Sometimes it is important to understand them but other times it is the journey that is important to assist in the healing within the animal household.
Deciphering the information is often done with a case history and a personal meeting or photograph of the family and animal(s). Using intuition takes this information to a higher level. Layers can be quickly cut through to assist in successful programming and resolutions to problems.
Individual programs have similar steps but each animal and household is individual and so each series is designed with that in mind. You can also purchase What Animals Can Teach Us about Spirituality: Inspiring Lessons of Wild & Tame Creatures to assist you in developing your own intuitive sense with your animal.
Humane & Progressive Animal Training
The pet industry and domestic animal training field have recently discovered an ancient type of training that focuses on positive reinforcement. Although these techniques are not new at all, they have changed animal training for the better.
Most people have heard of "clicker training" or "positive reinforcement" and similar types of techniques. Focusing on the positive sometimes takes longer but results in a happier and secure animal. In addition to using positive reinforcement it is also necessary to take into account the animal's individual nature, environment, and upbringing. Positive does not mean the absence of consequences--animals need to learn what is "right" and "wrong" within the human household.
Alternative Animal Training & Therapysm uses trust, respect and understanding to round out the formula to yield a successfully trained and cooperative animal. This animal will also understand what is desired and required within the home to live successfully with humans.
Reiki & Energy Work
All forms of life have an energy field and so are affected by energy. Most causes of dis-ease start on an energetic level and then move into other areas. There are emotional, spiritual, physical and mental areas that are effected by disharmony. The physical manifestation usually rears after a long period of trauma in other areas.
Animals work from a spirit of unconditional love and will often come into a home to assist with lessons and to absorb or take on some of the issues of the household. This is why you will find misbehavior from animals in a home with issues similar to those of the humans. Sometimes you can find illnesses manifested in the animals before they appear in the humans.
Many issues can be addressed through intuitive work, behavior modification and changes in diet or work with alternative therapies such as flower remedies. Energy work or the use of Reiki can help with both physical and emotional issues at another level.
Energy workers, or healers, call upon Spirit/God/Universal Energy/Whatever-Term-You-Are-Comfortable-With to assist in restoring harmony to the healee. This facilitates healing at a very deep level.
Reiki is a specific form of energy work that intensifies the ability of any healer. This energy is from The Source. It exists within all of us but is activated through an attunement/initiation/empowerment ritual. Other modalities are not more powerful or less powerful than Reiki, but are different in vibration or feel. Usually other modalities are not activated/transmitted in the same manner as Reiki.
Energy is extremely malleable. Reiki has principles or symbols that automatically set the intent as positive and does not rely on the belief of the healer or healee to work. Faith healing, for example, relies on the belief that healing is possible.
Although energy work is extremely helpful and often successful, there are some issues that will not be responsive to energy work. Karmic issues are one such example. But please remember to always seek quality medical or veterinary advice as part of your sensible treatment program.
Although most people may need three sessions of energy work, animals are more open and receptive. In many cases the energy sessions are shorter, they often prefer distance or hands off sessions, and often do not need as many treatments to benefit.
Sessions can be done in a variety of ways through personal visitations, distance work and through photographs. Sessions can be booked online for personal or distance appointments. You can book your animal's appointment from the shop or use the link to Hire-Animal-Expert